I done drunk
Myself to death
I done drunk
Myself to death
This heaving chest
Bereft of breath
It has done drunk
Itself to death
I have drank
Until I died
I have drank
Until I died
No donkey’s skin
Nor Nauga’s hide
Can save a soul
That drank and died
I did drink
And now it’s done
I did drink
And now it’s done
So red the moon
So dead the sun
So black my heart
That’s road is run
Hand me that glass
Full-filled with wine
Hand me that glass
Brim-full with wine
From Noah’s crop
That drink divine
The end is near
That end is mine
Amen, amen
Let’s drink again
Till then, till then
All men: amen
cin cin
cin cin
et fin
et fin
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Gabriel Kahane, 8980: Book of Travelers
Los Angeles 20 Jan 2018