The feral parrots fly in pairs
Out and about over parks and arboreta
The feral parrots fly in pairs
In loud shouting clouds above Pasadena
Two's the rule
The rule is two
Two among other twos
or two untethered
Tree to tree or place to place
in mists and haze, or en plein air
Two's the rule
The rule is two
Keeping company
one with the other
One with one other
and never another
Each of two
looking out for the one
that looks back at the one
of the two they are not
Their parents parents parents sprung from cages
freed by fire
Thrown on hot updrafts back into air
they had nearly forgot
Wings returned to winging
Throats returned to singing
But the world they now found was not the world that was one time their own
Not at all the world that their own forebears had known
Is their bond born of that history?
Finding themselves
unbound and untrammeled
what did they have
but the others of their kind
similarly suddenly
free and bereft
So each one found
harbored in palms
beside parking lots
or huddling adjacent
in backyard eucalypts
that each must find one
with whom to fare forward
In duo soli
Two's the rule
The rule is two
Two among other twos
or two untethered
Keeping company
one with the other
One with one other
and never another
Each of two
looking out for the one
that looks back at the one
of the two they are not
Feathered creatures do not weep
whatever princes have written of doves
The feral parrots fly in pairs
for fear of parting without tears
The feral parrots fly in pairs
Out and about over parks and arboreta
The feral parrots fly in pairs
In loud shouting clouds above Pasadena
Love this!
Posted by: Michael Ostrogorsky | August 11, 2019 at 03:30 PM